Thursday, November 13, 2014

Door Prize

Ron and I traveled 2 hours November 1st for a training in Springfield, Missouri. So it was one of those Saturdays I just kept my normal schedule....up at 5:30 a.m. Ug. But trainings are a requirement for my license. And honesty, sometimes they really are interesting. 

The best part of this training came with the ticket at the door....
Ron's ticket that is.
He won the seasonal turkey basket. Not a real turkey unfortunately, but this pack of turkeys in the basket.

 Here's the actual basket.
The goodies
More foamies
And Chenille stems/pipe cleaners (depending on where you're from) for stringing, sorting, and multiple other crafts.
(they are also used in my home to clean the pressure cooker valve hole.)
My door prize.
A small but useful item.
Thanks to the Council of Churches of the Ozarks Child Care Food Program!
Awesome training :)
And the grand result is our passel of turkey ornaments.  
The kind of turkeys that won't crowd your freezer space. :)


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Post Its and Upcycled Posters

Sharing link to my Katy Trail Creations post:
Early Childhood topic for your classroom.
 Hope you'll check it out.
And Go KC Royals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!